Kimberly Dey: Tips for Investing in Real Estate

Kimberly Dey: What to Consider When Investing in Real Estate?

It’s no secret that real estate is one of the oldest and most effective vehicles for wealth creation.Kimberly Dey, however, cautions against young investors from thinking it’s a foolproof way to getting rich. While many have made their riches in real estate, not everyone turns out to be successful. Here are the three things to consider before jumping the gun:

1. Investment Purpose – What are you buying the real estate for? Kimberly Dey explains your purpose will dictate your strategy. For instance, will you lease the property to enjoy a passive income stream? Or maybe it’s your dream to own a home and you want to save on rent. Kimberly Dey adds that investors should have an idea of their investment time horizon, whether it’s for the short-term or long-term.

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2. Location – There’s a reason why experts still clamor, “Location, location, location” whenever they’re asked about their investing secrets. Kimberly Dey cannot emphasize enough how important the location of the property is, especially if it’s going to be leased. In general, investors should want to have a property that’s near necessities such as transport hubs, schools, markets, etc. She adds that the closer the proximity, the higher the valuation of the property. Additionally, investors should take a long-term view about the location of the property. Today it may just be a patch of land, but a decade from now, it may be at the center of a bustling commercial district.

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3. Finances – Last but not the least, what does your financial house look like right now? Kimberly Dey warns that investing in real estate is not for everyone. If you so happen to change your mind one day, you can’t just easily dispose of your property much like you would when selling a stock. She adds that investors should think about the mortgage as well, whether they would take a fixed rate or adjustable rate loan.


Kimberly Dey on Horseback Riding: Before and After Care

The Importance of Grooming and Caring for Your Horse After Riding by Kimberly Dey

For Kimberly Dey, one of the biggest and most common mistakes that riders make when taking their horse out for a ride is skipping grooming. Skipping this step before riding is dangerous for both rider and horse. Here she talks about the importance of grooming and shares a few care tips before and after a ride.

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Before taking your horse out for a ride, make sure to groom your horse, paying close attention to the girth area and back. This step removes debris from the horse’s coat, which helps ensure that your horse stays comfortable during your ride. Any discomfort that your horse may feel from the debris, like chaffing, could cause irritability, which in turn could lead the horse into misbehaving. This is a risk you can avoid with proper grooming, says Kimberly Dey. Make sure too, to check his hooves. Remove any dirt or debris and make sure that the horseshoes are firmly secured. For your safety, groom before you ride.

When you’re about to end your ride, gradually decrease your pace to allow the horse to cool down. You can get down from your horse and walk him the rest of the way. When you’ve come to a full stop, do not immediately take your back to the stable. Give some time to allow him to calm down after a vigorous ride.

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After the ride, your horse will feel hot and thirsty so be sure to give him a bucket of water, says Kimberly Dey. Your horse may have worked up an appetite as well so give him his feed after he has quenched his thirst.

Lastly, groom your horse after your ride. This will not only remove any grit or debris from his coat but also it can help soothe and relax him. It’s also a great way to show your appreciation to your beloved equine after a good ride, Kimberly Dey shares.


Kimberly Dey on Show Jumping: Top 3 Tips for Beginners

Show Jumping for Beginners: Top 3 Tips from Kimberly Dey

Horseback riding is challenging enough as it is when you’re only starting to learn the basics, but show jumping is a lot more challenging and harder to learn. Kimberly Dey shares that show jumping isn’t for everyone. You must have the determination and stamina for it, and you must really want it. If you feel that show jumping is the discipline that you’d want to master among all other disciplines in English horse training, here are few tips that Kimberly Dey would like to share:

Perfect your balance

Perfecting your balance helps keep the seat on your horse’s back in place whether he’s walking, trotting, galloping or jumping. With that said, take your time learning how to develop your secure-seat. This will also allow your horse to get used to having you on his back as he moves through different gaits.

Never rush your horse

You may be ready for the big jumps but that doesn’t mean your horse is too. Start with small, low jumps and slowly work your way up. Initially, the jumps must be small enough for your horse to be able to jump over them either from a walk or standstill. This may seem contrary to the advice of never rushing your horse, but when he refuses a jump and appears to want to walk away, gently stand your ground. Do not push him to jump at your bidding but don’t let him walk away, too. Stay and stand your ground no matter how long it takes until he feels comfortable and confident enough to jump.

Train with a professional and experienced instructor

When you and your horse are only beginning to learn how to jump, it’s best to train with a professional. Never learn the basics on your own as this could be dangerous for you and your horse—you both could end up hurt or badly injured.

Finally, Kimberly Dey advises training progressively. For each day that you train, start with the basics first and then move on to the more challenging jumps as your training day progresses.


Kimberly Dey’s 3 Rules for a Healthy Diet

Most of the time, 24 hours just isn’t enough for Kimberly Dey. With her various charities and businesses, she finds that there’s just not enough time in the day to accomplish everything she needs to do. But regardless of how busy she is, Kimberly Dey never compromises on food. Tempting as it is to reach for that bag of chips when she’s under a lot of pressure at work, or to skip breakfast because, well, “who has time for breakfast?”; she still makes sure to never leave home without having had a good breakfast first.

If you keep a busy schedule like Kimberly Dey, here are her top three tips for other working women who want to maintain a healthy mind and body:

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Never skip breakfast

Regardless of how busy your day is going to be, you should make time for breakfast. Starting the day with a good and healthy breakfast gives you the energy you need to do your morning tasks. What’s more, studies reveal that eating a healthy breakfast helps you lose weight—and keep it off. A fiber-rich breakfast like oatmeal or bran cereal keeps hunger pangs at bay, which means you won’t be reaching for that quick-fix of junk food to get you by until lunch time.

Stock up on healthy fats

Healthy fats help keep stress levels down, according to research. For Kimberly Dey, her regular source of healthy fats includes avocados, almonds, salmon, olives, and walnuts. Healthy fats also give you energy minus the calories. Kimberly suggests that you snack on these between meals to keep you energized and to keep hunger at bay until your next meal.

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Pack your lunch

Fast food is almost always the go-to food for busy working women. While this could make you feel full, the feeling doesn’t last long—not long enough to keep you from getting hungry until dinner, at least. It’s an instant boost that also instantly disappears. Instead, pack a healthy lunch. If you don’t have time to prepare it in the morning, do so the night before. You can also make your healthy lunch in batches, so you’ll have something ready for the whole week.

It doesn’t take much to stay on the healthy track. You only need to be disciplined about it. Don’t think of it as depriving yourself, too, adds Kimberly Dey. Instead, think of it as a good investment—for your mind and body, as well as your overall well-being.


Kimberly Dey: Top 3 Tips for Real Estate Investment

Kimberly Dey is the President of Renaissance Property Associates and an entrepreneur who likes taking risks but not without carefully drawing a financial roadmap that can keep her finances and assets secure. In this post, she shares her top three tips for investing in real estate.

If you’re a business owner looking to diversify your portfolio, Kimberly Dey suggests that you consider investing in real estate. Depending on your financial goals, your investment can give you a cash flow income for many years, or it can give you a considerable profit if you sell when the market is ripe and property values have increased. However, if you decide to earn from your investment, there are important things that you need to consider to minimize your exposure to risks.

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Below are the top three things to remember before investing in real estate as shared by Kimberley Dey:

Do not invest under your own name

While you may want to have the title under your name, this can be quite a risky move as you expose your personal assets to various risks, foremost of which is losing your personal assets or having your personal finances negatively impacted should the value of your real estate investment go down. In the event of litigation, your personal assets could be tied to the property. Kimberly Dey suggests that you consult with a lawyer about the type of ownership that you can use for your real estate investment, i.e. limited liability company or limited partnership.

Regardless of the outcome of your property investment, your personal assets will remain intact.

Secure funding first before agreeing to purchase

To protect your business, you should work on how you will fund the investment. You should avoid using your business as collateral for the mortgage loan. Consider talking to other investors or partners who may be interested in investing with you. Whatever you decide on, make sure that your existing business is safe and secure.

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Evaluate and analyze the type of investment you wish to make

Lastly, Kimberly Dey recommends that you discuss with your financial advisor the various types of real estate investment tools that are high on the market, and which one is best suited for your financial goal. The two most common types of real estate investments are residential and commercial, but there are other real estate investments that you can consider as well: industrial, retail, and mixed-use. Evaluate and analyze each one to help you decide which one best meets your financial goals and situation.


Kimberly Dey: Top 3 Ways Real Estate Cash Flow Income Benefits You

If you’re looking to diversify your business portfolio, real estate is one of the best investment tools that can give you good long-term profits, according to Kimberly Dey, President of Renaissance Property Associates. You can buy an apartment or commercial building and earn passive income from the rental fees you collect from your tenants every month.

When you utilize this real estate investment tool, you can grown your financial portfolio without breaking a sweat. Why? Because, as Kimberly Dey says, you won’t have to check it every day, perform tasks to make sure that the rental building is functioning properly, or personally address the complaints and/or concerns of your tenants. Your property manager can do these for you, and more!

To expound a little further, Kimberly Dey shares the top three ways real estate investments can benefit you:

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1. Self-generating investment

Supposing you purchased the property through a mortgage loan; the income generated from the rental fees can pay for the loan, as well as the upkeep of the building itself. The net income can go towards your savings. In other words, it’s an investment that pays for itself, and then some.

2. Security against inflation

When inflation hits, your rental property gives you a certain layer of protection because just as commodity prices increase, so too does everything else, including rental fees. In general, property values may also increase, which means the value of whatever type of real estate you invested in can also appreciate. All in all, you’re looking at earning a substantial profit, adds Kimberley Dey.

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3. Tax benefits

Property owners may enjoy a few tax benefits from their rental property. Depending on the size of the rental property, you could enjoy tax deductions on mortgage interest, property tax, operating expenses, casualty and theft losses, and such. Kimberly Dey recommends that you consult with a tax expert, or a lawyer to learn more about your tax benefits.

There you have it; the top three ways cash flow income from real estate investment can benefit you. There are several other benefits that you can enjoy from investing in a real estate rental property. If you wish to learn more about, please feel free to send your questions to Kimberly Dey through this site.

Stay tuned for more posts on real estate investment from Kimberly Dey.


Kimberly Dey Blog

Welcome to the blog of Kimberly Dey.

Kimberly is delighted to have you here on her humble blog. This page will contain her thoughts and opinions on real estate investment and development, as well as healthy living. She currently serves as President of Renaissance Property Associates, a team of property management specialists in Oyster Bay, New York. Outside the office, Kimberly is a world-class equestrian and an initiator of various charitable affairs. This page is where you can get up close and personal with Kimberly, beyond her professional capacities.

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Real Estate Investment and Development

Real estate is one of the oldest and most profitable asset classes, but Kimberly Dey believes that investors should couple their own research with expert advice. There are many stories of ordinary investors who flip and invest in rental properties. While these are inspirational at best, they don’t always contain actionable advice. Kimberly Dey decided to put up this blog to help investors get more information about the industry and what’s happening on the ground. Because of Renaissance Property Associates’ long history working in Oyster Bay, Kimberly will also talk about historic properties and why high net worth investors should consider them in their real estate portfolio. Aside from properties, investors may also consider historic buildings or historic districts even. This blog will talk about the pros and cons of historic real estate and what investors can do to maximize their investment, among other topics.

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Healthy Living

Kimberly Dey is passionate about healthy living and fitness. There is a lot of information online about healthy living, such as meal preparation, diet, and counting nutrients, but what people may struggle with the most is putting it all together and sticking to their plan. Kimberly wants to share tips and insights on how one can stay disciplined, living a healthy life in the process. Whether you’re in your twenties or nearing retirement, healthy living and fitness should be a priority. The contents of this blog are written to be easily understandable so you can get started on improving the areas in your life that need fixing. If you’re not a fan of “healthy” because it’s “boring” or “bland”, then this blog will change the way you think! Kimberly Dey is known for her contributions to the business community, and now she is set to do the same for your life.

Stay tuned for more updates by Kimberly Dey.